Children are sexually abused every hour in India


Children are sexually abused everyday in India


Cases of Child Sexual Abuse registered in Pune


Cases of Child Sexual Abuse registered in Maharashtra

Source: National Crime Records Bureau – NCRB, 2022

The Ugly Truth

Most Cases of Child Sexual Abuse
are Never Seen or Heard

Source: National study on Child abuse in April 2007 by Ministry of Woman and Child Development

Any Act Committed On a Child for Sexual Gratification is Child Sexual Abuse

Abuse is misuse of power on a child using age, strength, position, reputation, relation or acquaintance. Any act including

  • A touch with sexual intent
  • A non-touch provocation
    • Exploiting or involving children in pornography or illicit content
    • Suggestive actions, gestures towards the child

Most Children Do Not Tell That They are Being Sexually Abused

Some reasons

  • Children fear not being believed

  • They do not have the words to express

  • Children feel guilty, scared, ashamed and confused

  • Abusers threaten to hurt the child, siblings or parents

  • Children do not know whom to tell

Sexual Abuse Can Severely Traumatize a Child,
If No Timely Help Is Given

Abuse can lead to multiple problems; besides the physical trauma

Emotional Problems

  • Anxiety– trouble sleeping at night or sleepiness during the day, restlessness during the day, trouble concentrating, irritability

  • Depression– continuous feeling of sadness, increased sensitivity, changes in appetite, changes in sleep

Behavioral Problems

  • Addiction to drugs, alcohol or any other substance
  • Poor academic performance
  • Sudden compulsive behavior

  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Problems in marital relationships
  • Problems in parenting later in adult life
  • Sudden social withdrawal or aggression

It is a Crime Punishable by Law

Some Misconceptions About Child Sexual Abuse

  • All abusers are perverts or mentally ill persons
  • Abusers are individuals who exhibit normal behaviour
  • Children lie about abuse
  • Children do not lie about sexual abuse, as they do not understand sexual feelings
  • Generally Child Sexual Abuse takes place outside the house
  • Contrary to popular belief, in 50% of the instances, sexual offenders are known to the children rather than them being strangers.
  • Children will forget about abuse
  • Children lock up the trauma but it affects their present and future lives
  • There are more sexual offenders among poor, uneducated families.
  • Abusers have no boundaries of class, caste, religion, education, economic/financial status etc.
  • Women do not abuse
  • Percentage of women abusers may be less but women can also be abusers
  • Children don’t understand abuse
  • Children understand abuse but cannot express it. As caregivers, it is important for us to recognize the indicators shown by the child.
  • Boys do not get abused
  • Boys are equally at risk as girls, but they do not report abuse as much

How can we as a society address Child Sexual Abuse?


  • Watch out for any sudden change in the child’s behaviour
  • Teach children about safe and unsafe touch in order to protect themselves from being abused
  • Teach children to speak freely to someone they trust in case they are abused
  • Help to spread awareness about Child Sexual Abuse by organizing awareness sessions in your vicinity

What to do and How you can help?

  • Listen to children and believe in them
  • Respond with urgency but always remain calm yourself
  • Do what is necessary to protect the child from further abuse to the best of your ability.
  • Deal with the fear or shame the child might be facing and reassure them

  • If you suspect potential sexual abuse of any child, please contact FFCP-Muskaan for assistance.